Shortnews English (165)

Monday, 08 March 2021 14:20

New: Fossilfinder-App

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Brand new and ready for you: The new Fossilfinder app! All info on the project page and in the current blog post!

Two new articles have been published in our Special Issue on Citizen Science and the SDGs. You can read them in our blog post and also find the links to the full versions available for free!

Our citizen science lecture series inspires you to think! Two seminar papers from last semester, written by BOKU students as part of the lecture series, have now been published on the blog. Congratulations to Cäcilia Wimmler and Lukas Schönmann for their great work!

Tuesday, 16 February 2021 12:57


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Take part in a study on prostate cancer until 28th of February. You can find all the information in the new blog post!

The Citizen Science Seminar invites you to a total of 4 lectures on citizen science projects in the coming months. You can find all information about the seminar in the current blog post (in German).

Tuesday, 26 January 2021 13:24

The Science of Citizen Science

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Katrin Vohland, director general of the Natural History Museum Vienna, has published a blogpost on the recently published book "The Science of Citizen Science". We kindly invite you to this fascinating read (in German)!

Thursday, 21 January 2021 08:34

11,000 wildlife sightings

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We congratulate the StadtWildTiere Wien project on 11,000 (!) wildlife sightings in Vienna. You can find more information in the current blog post (in German).

Tuesday, 12 January 2021 14:23

Workshopreport online

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A short report on our last workshop "senseBox - Citizen Science mit Open Hardware für SDG 11 - Nachhaltige Städte und Siedlungen" (in German) is now online. Have a look!

Tuesday, 15 December 2020 11:16

New WG on Österreich forscht

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At the last platform meeting of Österreich forscht, a new working group was founded. The aim of the Strategy Working Group is to develop a strategy with a plan of action for Österreich forscht and the Citizen Science Network Austria until 2025. More information can be found on the new working group page.

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