Shortnews English (165)

Tuesday, 31 January 2023 08:40

Open calls on Österreich forscht

Written byDaniel Dörler

You will find many unique opportunities in our open calls at the moment: Calls for grants, jobs, manuscript submissions and much more. Take a look!

Tuesday, 17 January 2023 10:45

New podcast: prehistoric weaving techniques and citizen science

Written byDaniel Dörler

Have you listened to the latest episode of our podcast "Wissen macht Leute" yet? The episode published yesterday is about the project Weaving Techniques of the Natural History Museum Vienna, and project coordinator Karina Grömer talks about why working with citizen scientists excites her so much, how you can reweave prehistoric textiles and how you can contribute to research by doing so. Listen in!

Tuesday, 10 January 2023 12:50

Proceedings of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022

Written byDaniel Dörler

The proceedings of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022 have been published! In a blog post, we briefly present all texts and provide links to the individual contributions. Take a look!

Wednesday, 04 January 2023 11:20

New project: Recycling Heroes

Written byDaniel Dörler

We start the new year by becoming a Recycling Hero! You want to join us? Then have a look at the project description of our newest project!

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 13:32

New project: United by Crisis?

Written byDaniel Dörler

At the end of the year, we are pleased to welcome another new project on Österreich forscht: United by the Crisis is an archaeological citizen science project where you can participate in archaeological field surveys and/or in cleaning, documenting & interpreting archaeological finds from an early Neolithic community. Of course, you can find all the information on the project page. We wish you a lot of fun while exploring!

Tuesday, 13 December 2022 11:25

Citizen Science Seminar: Project Roadkill

Written byDaniel Dörler

Tomorrow, the next talk in our citizen science seminar series will take place: Project Roadkill will present itself to an interested audience tomorrow. If you would like to join us, you can find all the information about the talk and the link to the registration form in the corresponding blog post.

Tuesday, 06 December 2022 16:08

Last call for the Call for Abstracts for the ACSC 2023

Written byDaniel Dörler

This is the last call for submitting an abstract to the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023! Have a quick read through the Call for Abstracts and submit your paper until tomorrow!

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 10:42

New project: Everyday Morality

Written byDaniel Dörler

Once again we welcome a new project on Österreich forscht. In "Everyday Morality" from the University of Innsbruck you can become a co-researchers for (im)moral behaviour. Find out how this exactly works on the project website.

Friday, 25 November 2022 11:09

New Podcast Episode: What's flying here?

Written byFlorian Heigl

There is finally a new episode of our podcast Wissen macht Leute (Knowledge Makes People) - this time we present the project "Butterflies of Austria".

Thursday, 17 November 2022 13:41

Video of the talk Citizen Science in Asia

Written byFlorian Heigl

You can now watch the video of Scott Edmunds' talk on Citizen Science in Asia on our YouTube channel.

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