Shortnews English (165)

Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:03

New project: Protecting Wildlife in Buildings in Vienna

Written byDaniel Dörler

We are very happy to welcome the project Protecting Wildlife in Buildings in Vienna back on Österreich forscht. If you would like to know how you can participate, then have a look at the project website.

Tuesday, 07 June 2022 07:27

Citizen Science Seminar: Forest Areas for the Forest Dormouse

Written byDaniel Dörler

June is a busy month: the next lecture in our Citizen Science Seminar series will take place on 22 June. Birgit Rotter from Österreichische Bundesforste will grant us a look behind the scenes of the project Forest Areas for the Forest Dormouse. Be part of it!

Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:58

Citizen Science Seminar: last call for registration

Written byDaniel Dörler

The Citizen Science Seminar series will take place again tomorrow. This time the guest speaker is Ronald Würflinger from the Schmetterlinge Österreichs (Austria's Butterflies) Project. If you would also like to be part of it, then register today. You can find the registration form in the corresponding blog post. We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:21

Österreich forscht at BOKU Future Conference

Written byDaniel Dörler

Will we see you tomorrow at the BOKU Future Conference? We would be very happy to have many participants in our workshop.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:07

New open calls in May 2022

Written byDaniel Dörler

In the "open calls" section you can find a new vacancy and there are several conferences and papers that are looking for your contribution in citizen science. Have a look!

Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:35

Citizen Science Seminar: Austria's butterflies

Written byDaniel Dörler

On 01.06. the next lecture in the Citizen Science Seminar series will take place. This time Ronald Würflinger from the Foundation Blühendes Österreich will be our guest and tell us something about the project "Austria's butterflies". You can participate online and free of charge. We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:36

Citizen Science Seminar Lecture Fossilfinder

Written byDaniel Dörler

Register today for the next Citizen Science Seminar lecture tomorrow! Alexander Lukeneder, project leader of the Fossilfinder project, will be presenting. We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, 26 April 2022 15:16


Written byFlorian Heigl

Check out the new project Camaliot and help for example to improve the prediction of extreme weather events

Wednesday, 13 April 2022 08:00

Österreich forscht at the Long Night of Research

Written byDaniel Dörler

Österreich forscht is part of the Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung), are you? In the current blog post you will find all the Österreich forscht projects presenting themselves and where to find them. We look forward to seeing you!

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