Shortnews English (165)

Tuesday, 15 June 2021 08:51

New partners in the CSNA

Written byDaniel Dörler

No less than 4 new partner institutions have already joined the Citizen Science Network Austria this year. You can see all partner in our partner list.

Tuesday, 08 June 2021 14:13

Open calls on Österreich forscht

Written byDaniel Dörler

Many new calls have been added to our "open calls" page. Take a look, maybe you will find a call for your project!

Tuesday, 01 June 2021 10:30

WTZ Workshop open educational resources

Written byDaniel Dörler

Not only since Corona have more and more people been asking themselves the question: How can I design a presentation so that it is an open educational resource? In our new workshop in July you will learn exactly that. Swing by and sign up while there are still places available.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021 08:21

Universum Spezial with Österreich forscht

Written byDaniel Dörler

We are very pleased to present the Österreich forscht platform this evening in an Universum Spezial "One World - Millions of Species"! Take a look and learn how you can protect biodiversity in Austria yourself.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021 08:58

Blog Abo

Written byFlorian Heigl

By the way, you can also subscribe to our blog so that you no longer miss any news. To do so, simply register and click on the envelope at the top right corner of this link

Tuesday, 11 May 2021 09:59

Citizen Science Lecture Series - Sculptured Resin Bee

Written byDaniel Dörler

Next week, the last lecture on the Sculptured Resin Bee project in our citizen science lecture series will take place. In the current blog post you will find more information and the link to the registration.

Tuesday, 04 May 2021 13:34

10 years of senseBox

Written byDaniel Dörler

"10 years of senseBox" is the title of the next presentation in our Citizen Science Seminar-series. You can find all the details about this presentation and the link to the free registration in the current blog post.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021 14:38

Proceedings ACSC 2020

Written byDaniel Dörler

26 short articles about the ambition and meaning of citizen science are waiting for you in the new blog post. All of them were written in the course of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020. We look forward to numerous readers!

Tuesday, 20 April 2021 09:29

Citizen Science Lecture Series - new lecture

Written byDaniel Dörler

Tomorrow is the next lecture in our citizen science lecture series. Gernot Neuwirth from Naturschutzbund Österreich will tell us all about You can still register for the lecture until 21.04.2021 at 08:00 in the morning. You can find the link to the registration as well as a short summary of the lecture in the current blog post.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021 10:33

New lecture in citizen science lecture series

Written byDaniel Dörler

The next lecture in our citizen science lecture series has been announced. In the current blog post you can find all the information about this lecture, which will take place on 21 April.

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