Daniel Dörler

Daniel Dörler

Tuesday, 17 September 2024 13:18

New: Citizen science worldwide

We have revised our Worldwide section on Österreich forscht and added exciting new information! Now there's even more to discover. Dive in and take a look!

Tuesday, 10 September 2024 13:56

New project: On the trail of springs

On the trail of springs is the latest project on Österreich forscht. On the project preview page on Österreich forscht you can find out more about the springs being searched for in the project. Take a look and join the project!

Tuesday, 03 September 2024 11:18

New: Dates

The open calls have become the dates! On the new page you will find submission opportunities, jobs and funding opportunities as well as project activities where you can get to know projects directly. Take a look and join one of the activities!

Wednesday, 28 August 2024 10:57


The Austrian Citizen Science Conference is the main event of the year for the citizen science community in Austria and beyond.

Since 2015 the conference has been organized on an annual basis, each year by a different host institution in close collaboration with Österreich forscht. By collaborating with local host institutions, the conference has been taking place in many different regions of Austria, which makes it possible to  connect with the local community. Since 2017 the conference has been divided in two parts. The first two days consist of a scientific programm with oral presentations, workshops and posters and the third day is a public day, where citizen scientists and the general public are invited to the conference to discover new projects and to get to know project coordinators.

You can find detailed information, and pictures of each conference in the links below in German. Conference proceedings containing extended abstracts from selected contributions are available in English since 2016.

Year Motto Location Hosting Institution Proceedings
2024   Change Vienna

BOKU University, Natural History Museum Vienna

2023 "ver.suchen - ver.einen - ver.antworten" (try - unite - be accountable)  Linz Johannes Kepler University Linz https://pos.sissa.it/442/
2022 Citizen science - Why not (actually)? Dornbirn inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn https://pos.sissa.it/407/
2020 Citizen Science: Ambitions and Meaning online University of Vienna https://pos.sissa.it/393/
2019 Borders and Transitions Obergurgl University of Innsbruck https://pos.sissa.it/366/
2018 Generation Citizen Science Salzburg University of Salzburg https://www.citizen-science.at/blog/proceedings-der-oesterreichischen-citizen-science-konferenz-2018
2017 Expanding Horizons Vienna Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH https://www.citizen-science.at/blog/proceedings-der-oesterreichischen-citizen-science-konferenz-2017
2016 Citizen Science - Quo vadis? Lunz am See WasserCluster Lunz https://www.citizen-science.at/blog/proceedings-der-oesterreichischen-citizen-science-konferenz-2016
2015 Österreich forscht Vienna BOKU University n/a
Tuesday, 27 August 2024 09:18

New partner: Museum Niederösterreich

We are delighted to welcome a new partner to the Citizen Science Network Austria! The Haus für Natur (House of Nature) at the Museum Niederösterreich in St. Pölten is a modern and lively place for people who are interested in nature and curious to learn more about the flora and fauna of Lower Austria and who are looking for recreation and special experiences. You can find more information about the House of Nature on Österreich forscht!

Wednesday, 21 August 2024 07:48

New partner: Montanuniversität Leoben

Since its foundation in 1840, Montanuniversität Leoben has developed its profile in several phases and today positions itself as a university for "Responsible and Circular Systems". Citizen Science is currently being pursued at Montanuniversität Leoben as part of two Sparkling Science projects in which Montanuniversität Leoben is collaborating with educational institutions from Tyrol and Lower Austria, among others. You can find out more in the partner overview. We look forward to working with the University of Leoben in the future.

Tuesday, 13 August 2024 11:00

New partner: Haus der Natur

We are very pleased to welcome Haus der Natur as a new partner in the Citizen Science Network Austria. The Haus der Natur has existed since 1924 and is a universal museum of natural sciences with a regional and international focus as well as a centre of natural competence for the city and province of Salzburg. Take a look and discover what citizen science activities the Haus der Natur is already involved in.

Wednesday, 07 August 2024 15:22

Haus der Natur

The Haus der Natur exists since 1924 and is a universal museum of natural sciences with a regional and international focus as well as a centre of natural competence for the city and province of Salzburg.

The first voluntary working group with a direct connection to the Haus der Natur was founded in 1935 as the "Zoological-Botanical Working Group of the Natural History Museum". Over time, this has developed into today's eight working groups, in which over 200 volunteers currently work in close co-operation with the museum. The topics range from inanimate nature (astronomy, mineralogy and palaeontology) to various areas of biology (botany, entomology, malacology, herpetology, ornithology and mammalogy).

As citizen science in the best sense of the word, the working groups define their goals and tasks themselves. However, the core task is always the exploration, documentation and communication of Salzburg's nature. In addition to the museum's physical collections, the biodiversity database at the Haus der Natur, which currently contains around 2.5 million distribution data records on animals, plants and fungi, also plays a central role here.

The nature observation platform Observation.org and the associated apps (ObsIdentify, ObsMapp, iObs) are used by the working groups to record mapping and observation data. Haus der Natur has been an official partner of the Observation International Foundation since 2019 and is actively involved in the further development and popularisation of Observation.org in Austria.

HdN Logo mittel CMYK

Tuesday, 06 August 2024 11:11

We're hiring!

We are looking for a new team member! Please find the vacancy for a student assistant in our open calls. We are looking forward to many applications!

Tuesday, 30 July 2024 10:40

New: Learn about citizen science

We have revised the Learn about Citizen Science section and added new content. Have a look and find out more about citizen science!

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