Shortnews English (165)

Wednesday, 02 March 2022 16:16

New project: Mammoth wasp

Written byDaniel Dörler

We are pleased to welcome a new project on Österreich forscht: the Mammoth wasp-project of the Natural History Museum Vienna investigates the spread of Europe's largest wasp species in Austria. Drop by and join the project!

Tuesday, 15 February 2022 10:21

Citizen Science Seminar summer semester 2022

Written byDaniel Dörler

We are once again inviting you to our popular citizen science lecture series in the summer semester of 2022. If you would like to join us, you can already find the lecture topics and dates in the associated blog post. We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, 08 February 2022 11:22

New open calls

Written byDaniel Dörler

There have been a lot of changes in the open calls at the beginning of the month. Have a look. It's worth it!

Tuesday, 01 February 2022 07:50

Werkstatt Neu Leopoldau: a new project on Österreich forscht

Written byDaniel Dörler

With Werkstatt Neu Leopoldau, we welcome the first project of the TU Vienna on Österreich forscht! The project accompanies the settlement of the IBA quarter in Vienna's 21st district with a co-creative citizen science approach. You can find more information about this exciting project on the project page.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 08:36

Video: Scorpion of Krems

Written byDaniel Dörler

The last lecture of the Citzen Science Seminar in the winter semester took place recently, and now the recording of this fascinating presentation is online (in German only) on our Youtube channel and in a blog post! Take a look and be inspired!

Tuesday, 18 January 2022 13:08

Research forum of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences

Written byDaniel Dörler

The 15th Research Forum of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences is taking place at FH Kärnten this year, and it is all about Citizen Science. Check out the latest blog post to find out more!

Tuesday, 11 January 2022 10:40

DeVOTE - a new project on Österreich forscht

Written byDaniel Dörler

We have a new project on Österreich forscht that is looking for co-researchers: DeVOTE wants to find out what voting means for citizens and enables diverse forms of participation. Take a look and join the project!

Brand new and incredibly exciting: the "Citizen Scientist Interview with Alina". In the first issue, Alina interviewed Gregor Hastik, who is a citizen scientist in Project StadtWildTiere Vienna. Take a look, it's worth it!

Tuesday, 30 November 2021 09:45

ÖCSK 2022: Registration is open

Written byDaniel Dörler

Register now for the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022! Check out the conference website and save on the registration fee with our discounted early bird rate!

Tuesday, 23 November 2021 10:18

Online Pub Quiz "Pub forscht"

Written byDaniel Dörler

Lockdownblues? Then join our third online pub quiz! Find all the information you need in the blog post. We are looking forward to an evening of fun with you and your friends.

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