Daniel Dörler

Daniel Dörler

Wednesday, 02 November 2022 09:50

Call for abstracts for ACSC 2023

The Call for Abstracts for the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023 held at JKU Linz is online! In the latest blog post you will find detailed information about the call.

Together with the Natural History Museum Vienna, we are looking for a person who would like to organise ECSA 2024 in Vienna together with us and become part of a young, dynamic team. You can find the link to the call for applications in the open calls.

Yesterday the latest episode of our podcast went on air! The topic this time is citizen science in conservation areas. You can listen to the new episode directly on the blog or also on Spotify.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022 10:36

ECSA 2024 in Vienna

It has become official: the conference of the European Citizen Science Association, ECSA 2024, will take place in Vienna. It will be organised by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna together with the Natural History Museum Vienna. Find all the information on the Österreich forscht blog.

Tuesday, 04 October 2022 09:57

Opening up research data

How did Project Roadkill experience the opening up of its research data? You can read about it on the page of the Biodiversity Databases WG. Take a look!

Tuesday, 20 September 2022 08:37

New podcast: Werkstatt Neu Leopoldau

Have you already listend to our newest podcast? In yesterday's show, project coordinator Christian Peer introduced his citizen science project Werkstatt Neu Leopoldau and explained how inhabitants of this new Viennese city quarter were involved in research on the settlement process there.

In the winter semester 2022/23 our popular Citizen Science Lecture Series starts again, and this time in a hybrid version. You can find out all the details in the Citizen Science Seminar blog post.

Tuesday, 06 September 2022 13:00

New project: C.S.I. PhänoBiota

We are very happy to welcome a new project on Österreich forscht! With C.S.I. PhänoBiota the first citizen science project from the Natur- und Geopark Steierische Eisenwurzen is joining the platform. Have a look at the project's website and discover this new project from Styria.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022 14:49

New podcast: BeeRadar

In last week's show of our monthly podcast, project coordinator Julia Lanner answered all our questions concering the Sculptured Resin Bee in Austria. If you want to know more about this spectacular new bee species in Austria tune in!

Tuesday, 16 August 2022 08:32

Pub forscht - finally in a pub again

For all pub quiz enthusiasts we have a special highlight on the 14th of September: the Austrian Citizen Science pub quiz "Pub forscht" will take place on 14th of September on site in a pub as a pre-event to the European Researchers' Night for the first time since the pandemic! But beware: participation is limited, so check out the event page and register quickly!

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