© Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
Institution: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
Project lead: Alexandra Egger
Rathaus, Stiege 4, 1. Stock
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Viennese playbills 1930-1939

What is the project about?

The crowdsourcing project "Viennese playbills 1930-1939" is about the metadata capture of the playbills from the holdings of the Vienna City Library from this period. Previously only organized by theater and not indexed individually, during the project these valuable historical sources will become recorded individually and thus discoverable for all. The playbills provide insights into an initially internationally acclaimed and lively Viennese theater world, which was confronted with an increasing restriction of creative scope due to anti-liberal and anti-democratic tendencies.

Since the democratization of knowledge plays a central role in the range of tasks of the Vienna City Library and the previous crowdsourcing projects "Letters 1914-1919" as well as "Letters 1920-1934" have been a great success, we are now again asking the crowd for help in recording our playbills.

The Vienna City Library preserves around 250,000 playbills and program booklets from over 300 Viennese venues, ranging from 1720 to the present. Some of these have been digitized and are freely available in the Digital Library.

How can one contribute?

Participation is open to all interested persons. After registering, you can choose between two tasks: Capture metadata or review information already captured by others. If errors are discovered, they can be changed and a new version created. Two independent confirmations are necessary for a playbill to be classified as correct.

What happens to the results?

The metadata collected is integrated at regular intervals into the Digital Library of the Vienna City Library and will then be individually retrievable and searchable. This means that the playbills can be found by anyone interested and can be filtered by means of various search queries, e.g. by plays that were performed or by individual actors. This is not yet possible.

Crowdsourcing platform crowdsourcing.wien

The project "Viennese playbills 1930-1939" is part of the crowdsourcing platform crowdsourcing.wien – a cooperation of Wien Museum and Vienna City Library. The aim of this joint platform is to make original sources on the history of Vienna from various institutions accessible to all interested persons with the help of the crowd. Because only knowledge that can be read and comprehended can be brought to life and made available for inclusive debate.

More informationcrowdsourcing.wien




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This project fulfils version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.

Tagged under
  • history
  • culture
Read 590 times| Last modified on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 14:44