(c) Lukas Ellensohn
Institution: KLAR! Biosphärenpark Großes Walsertal
Project lead: Ellensohn Lukas
Boden 34 - 6731 Sonntag
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On the trail of springs

Spring mapping in the Großes Walsertal Biosphere Reserve (Austria)

In view of increasing extreme weather events, including periods of drought and consequent water shortages, the protection and knowledge of springs in the Großes Walsertal Biosphere Reserve is becoming increasingly important. In addition to their essential role in water supply, springs are often small but important habitats for many endangered organisms. The pressure to utilise and develop existing springs has increased significantly due to climate change. In order to obtain a comprehensive overview of the existing springs in the valley, the KLAR! Biosphärenpark Großes Walsertal is launching a citizen science project.

Life Science AG, which has already successfully carried out a citizen science project to record spring habitats in the Black Forest biosphere area, will now transfer this project to the conditions in the Großes Walsertal. The tried-and-tested mapping and evaluation method records not only the location but also characteristics such as spring size, temperature, cultural-historical significance, flora and fauna as well as potential human influences. As an alternative to analogue recording, the Qfield app is also being adapted so that walks in the Großes Walsertal can quickly become small research trips.

As a model region for sustainable development, the biosphere reserve bears a special responsibility for the long-term protection of natural springs. We are committed to securing the supply of drinking water and simultaneously protecting the habitat for rare species. At the same time, we must ensure that the springs are utilised in the most environmentally friendly way possible to supply humans and animals.

As a first step, spring locations are to be recorded and mapped across the valley. In order to realise this as comprehensively as possible, we need the help of motivated people in the Großes Walsertal. The necessary knowledge and tools for the survey will be provided on Saturday, 12th October 2024, from 10:00 to 16:00 in a joint workshop at the Biosphärenpark.Haus. After the course, including a short excursion, all participants will know about these sensitive habitats and will be able to locate and document spring sites and make initial determinations regarding the type of spring. They will also gain an insight into the fauna specific to springs and learn what conclusions can be drawn from the existing spring fauna.

If you are interested, please register in advance with our Klar! manager Lukas Ellensohn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. He will send you all further details about the programme.

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Tagged under
  • geology
  • culture
  • land use
  • plants
  • animals
  • water
  • weather
Read 199 times| Last modified on Friday, 13 September 2024 10:46