Shortnews English (165)

We are very pleased to welcome another new project on Österreich forscht! In the project Forest areas for the forest dormouse you can participate in surveying the distribution and habitats of these cute animals. You can find more information on the project page.

Tuesday, 05 October 2021 15:00

New project: Explorer Challenge

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We are very happy to welcome a new project to Österreich forscht! The Explorer Challenge invites school children to learn about insects as food source and to do some research on the topic as well.

The Call for Proposals for the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022 is out! On the conference page you will find all information about the motto and submission. We are looking forward to many contributions!

Tuesday, 21 September 2021 09:19

New project: Cats do science

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Have you discovered the newest project on Österreich forscht? The project Cats do science investigates the influence of cat mint on house cats. Have a look!

Tuesday, 07 September 2021 08:37

Lottery Fantastic Fungi

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We invite you to take part in our lottery for the film "Fantastic Fungi - The Magical World at Our Feet"! How it works is in the respective blog post. We keep our fingers crossed for everyone!

Monday, 30 August 2021 14:36

New project: PATIO

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The new Patient Involvement in Oncology (PATIO) project by the Ludwig Boltzmann Society is looking for you as experts on the topic of prostate cancer, whether you are affected, a family member, a caregiver or otherwise directly or indirectly affected by this disease. Have a look and join the team!

Tuesday, 24 August 2021 09:12

Two new Topotheques

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Two new blog posts on topotheques in the Weinviertel and Mostviertel regions were published this weekend. Both are about fascinating mechanical constructions. Take a look, it's worth it!

Tuesday, 17 August 2021 10:27

Hungarian Bumblebee

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The "Österreichische Vogelwarte" reports that the Hungarian Bumblebee (Bombus haematurus) has now been sighted in Lower Austria:

Tuesday, 10 August 2021 14:00

Blog Abo

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Did you know that you can subscribe to our blog and be automatically informed about new posts? You can find out how here:

What exactly does it mean when a website is accessible? Our colleague Alina Hauke took a look at that in the new blog post. Enjoy the read!

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