Daniel Dörler

Daniel Dörler

Our citizen science lecture series inspires you to think! Two seminar papers from last semester, written by BOKU students as part of the lecture series, have now been published on the blog. Congratulations to Cäcilia Wimmler and Lukas Schönmann for their great work!

Tuesday, 16 February 2021 12:57


Take part in a study on prostate cancer until 28th of February. You can find all the information in the new blog post!

Tuesday, 09 February 2021 16:05

Citizen Science Seminar summer semester 2021

The Citizen Science Seminar invites you to a total of 4 lectures on citizen science projects in the coming months. You can find all information about the seminar in the current blog post (in German).

Tuesday, 26 January 2021 13:24

The Science of Citizen Science

Katrin Vohland, director general of the Natural History Museum Vienna, has published a blogpost on the recently published book "The Science of Citizen Science". We kindly invite you to this fascinating read (in German)!

Thursday, 21 January 2021 08:34

11,000 wildlife sightings

We congratulate the StadtWildTiere Wien project on 11,000 (!) wildlife sightings in Vienna. You can find more information in the current blog post (in German).

Tuesday, 12 January 2021 14:23

Workshopreport online

A short report on our last workshop "senseBox - Citizen Science mit Open Hardware für SDG 11 - Nachhaltige Städte und Siedlungen" (in German) is now online. Have a look!

Tuesday, 15 December 2020 11:16

New WG on Österreich forscht

At the last platform meeting of Österreich forscht, a new working group was founded. The aim of the Strategy Working Group is to develop a strategy with a plan of action for Österreich forscht and the Citizen Science Network Austria until 2025. More information can be found on the new working group page.

Monday, 14 December 2020 09:41

mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen

mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen, jointly run by Science in Dialogue and the Museum of Natural History Berlin and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is the German citizen science platform. It features projects, publications, a blog, and general information on citizen science and has been active since November 2013. The task of mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen is to further develop citizen science in Germany, to make it better known and to provide information about projects to participate in research.

The cooperation agreement signed with the Citizen Science Network Austria states that both networks or platforms will work together and support each other's activities (both nationally and internationally), that they will cooperate within the framework of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference and in the working group for quality criteria for Österreich forscht, and that they will coordinate citizen science activities in German-speaking countries with each other.

We are very pleased that we will continue the excellent cooperation of the past years in the future to further strengthen the citizen science communities in both countries.

For mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen,
Wiebke Brink, Project Manager mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen at Science in Dialogue, and Silke Voigt-Heucke, Project Manager mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen at the Museum of Natural History Berlin

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Monday, 14 December 2020 09:34

Schweiz forscht

With Schweiz forscht, which is run by the Science et cité foundation, we have found another competent and reliable partner from Switzerland. Schweiz forscht is the Swiss counterpart to Österreich forscht and lists citizen science projects from Switzerland and provides general information on citizen science. Schweiz forscht is in charge of the Citizen Science Network Switzerland, the website schweiz-forscht.ch, is the contact point for various interested parties (media, universities, citizen scientists, etc.) and conducts international monitoring in the field of Citizen Science.

In the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Citizen Science Network Austria, it is stated that there will be mutual support and cooperation in national and international activities in the field of citizen science, that there will be close cooperation, especially in the area of the two online platforms, and that there will be joint coordination of citizen science activities in German-speaking countries.

For Schweiz forscht and the Science et Cité Foundation,
Deputy Managing Director and Head of Citizen Science, Tiina Stämpfli, lic.phil.


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