Daniel Dörler

Daniel Dörler

On 01.06. the next lecture in the Citizen Science Seminar series will take place. This time Ronald Würflinger from the Foundation Blühendes Österreich will be our guest and tell us something about the project "Austria's butterflies". You can participate online and free of charge. We look forward to seeing you!

Register today for the next Citizen Science Seminar lecture tomorrow! Alexander Lukeneder, project leader of the Fossilfinder project, will be presenting. We look forward to seeing you!

Österreich forscht is part of the Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung), are you? In the current blog post you will find all the Österreich forscht projects presenting themselves and where to find them. We look forward to seeing you!

Have you already registered for the Citizen Science Seminar on 04.05.? The speaker will be Alexander Lukeneder from the Fossilfinder project. As always, you can find all the information and the link to the registration in the corresponding blog post.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022 15:07

Online pub forscht: next installment

On Thursday, our popular online pub quiz will take place again. If you've never been, it's a great opportunity to learn about science in a fun and enjoyable way, and win some great prizes too. You can find all the info in the accompanying blog post.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022 14:11

Wissen macht Leute: Episode 1

Have you heard the world premiere of the first Austrian Citizen Science radio show and podcast? On the blog you will find the first episode of Wissen macht Leute, our monthly programme that is all about citizen science. Listen in!

Tuesday, 08 March 2022 09:23

Online Pub forscht: fifth installment

Together with the Vienna Adult Education Centres (Wiener Volkshochschulen, VHS) we invite you to our popular online Citizen Science Pub Quiz on 31.3.2022! In the corresponding blog post you will find all the information and the link to register,

Wednesday, 02 March 2022 16:16

New project: Mammoth wasp

We are pleased to welcome a new project on Österreich forscht: the Mammoth wasp-project of the Natural History Museum Vienna investigates the spread of Europe's largest wasp species in Austria. Drop by and join the project!

Tuesday, 15 February 2022 10:21

Citizen Science Seminar summer semester 2022

We are once again inviting you to our popular citizen science lecture series in the summer semester of 2022. If you would like to join us, you can already find the lecture topics and dates in the associated blog post. We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, 08 February 2022 11:22

New open calls

There have been a lot of changes in the open calls at the beginning of the month. Have a look. It's worth it!

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