The Ideenbox (box of ideas) collects the problems of citizens and patients around the topic of health (such as physical and mental health issues, social consequences, care, health prevention...), for which solutions are to be developed with citizens, researchers and other stakeholders. Which health problem do you want research to solve? Who should be involved in finding a solution? Send us the health problem that you would like research to address through this simple online questionnaire (in German). The contribution does not have to include a solution, only the problem itself, which can address a personal or a general/societal concern.
See an example of a problem in the video below. In our YouTube playlist you can find more example videos.
In some way we all research our own health: we learn which tea soothes the intestines and observe which pollen makes our eyes cry. All this information and knowledge come together in our personal reference book. We aim to enable the involvement of this expertise from people who are interested in or are facing problems related to health. By doing so, we not only try to make health research more democratic - we also hope to ensure that valuable knowledge from people with lived experience is not lost.
Because you have something to say and you know something that experts potentially do not know. You have your own experiences and observations that are extremely valuable for research. The Ideenbox gives you the opportunity to share your observations with experts in order to develop relevant recommendations for action and new research topics.
With your consent, we will publish your contribution on the Open Knowledge Map platform from autumn 2021 onwards, thus making the contributions visible. We will also actively promote the published contributions in a larger community of different stakeholders. In addition, we offer you the option of publishing your contact details in pseudonymised form on the Ideenbox Knowledge Map. This allows researchers and other stakeholders to contact you (e.g. to learn more about your problem) without them first receiving your contact details or being able to establish your identity. Interested parties will only receive your contact details if you respond to their request. Further details on data protection can be found on pur project website. If you have any questions about data protection or other issues, you can write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
After the collection phase, participating citizens will evaluate the contributions together with researchers and edit them in workshops around spring 2022, to find solutions to the problems. All relevant stakeholders (depending on the problem i.e. health practitioners, teachers, social workers, psychologists…) will also be involved in this process. Therefore, when you submit your contribution you have the possibility to choose to remain in contact with us, so that we can keep you informed about the project results and invite you to the workshops. This should enable networking between society and science.
The project is managed by the Open Innovation in Science Center (OIS Center) of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG). The LBG is a recognised non-university Austrian research institution that operates 20 institutes, with a thematic focus on medicine and life sciences as well as the humanities, social and cultural sciences. The LBG specifically initiates new research topics in Austria and develops and tests new forms of cooperations between science and non-academic actors such as the public sector and civil society.
The OIS Center acts as a competence centre for this approach. The Center has already successfully handled a mental health campaign with the involvement of patients and citizens and has transformed their problems into institutional research.
This project fulfils version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.