The mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna is one of the world's largest and most renowned universities for the performing arts of music, theater and film. It educates around 3,000 students from 70 countries and offers 115 fields of study and 41 university courses in 25 institutes.
Scientific and artistic research takes place at a number of institutes and research centers and encompasses a variety of disciplines and research fields in the humanities, cultural, social and natural sciences, which are always in interaction with the development and development of the arts (EEK).
The socio-political dimensions of art and culture, the questioning of power structures, the identity-forming effect of music, health promotion in the field of applied research, for example on music physiology and music therapy, are examples of citizen science that is being promoted at the mdw.
Recognizing the potential of non-academic knowledge for research, the mdw promotes innovative, multidirectional and dialogical transfer activities in the form of cooperation with various social actors, interdisciplinary Art & Science projects and the involvement of different target groups. Citizen science is used, for example, in ethnomusicological or music sociological research. The Department of Music Education/Community Music represents a new focus within music education research and practice, enabling students to develop innovative participatory art formats and to critically examine music and society.