@ Klaus Schindl

Erlebnis Archäologie

Erlebnis Archäologie is an Austrian association that offers people interested in archaeology the opportunity to take part in archaeological excavations in the form of courses in Austria and abroad without red tape. The association's own research projects are largely financed by course fees.

The aim of Erlebnis Archäologie's excavation courses is not just to get involved in excavations, but rather to provide a comprehensive insight into a research discipline that is very often only treated superficially and frequently misrepresented in the media. Excursions to the area surrounding the respective research project are an important part of the Experience Archaeology programme in order to familiarise participants with the high density of archaeological sites and to show them where our cultural heritage is literally buried in the ground, what threatens it and how we deal with it.

Of course, the focus is on excavation. The Experience Archaeology courses are designed to offer an uncomplicated introduction to active participation in field research. This provides the opportunity to learn about the work of archaeologists - away from the excavation work itself.


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