The Ragweed Finder was developed in 2017 by the Austrian Pollen Information Service at MedUni Vienna and has also been available to download as an app for Android and iOS since 2019.
The Ragweed Finder consists of four components:
The most important data such as location, population size and symptoms can be entered quickly using the specimen report. Uploading a photo is mandatory, otherwise a reported specimen cannot be verified by the experts of the Ragweed Finder team. Users can decide whether to report by name or anonymously (only via email address).
Already verified specimen reports of ragweed are listed herein within the current season. The number of symbols amounts to the number of reports displayed on the map. The colouring around the specimen sites indicate the symptom intensity.
What is ragweed? Where does it grow? What is known about ragweed pollen allergy? What can be done? These and other questions are answered in this compilation of the most important information about ragweed.
Some ragweed pollen allergy sufferers do not know their allergy trigger and may walk along an infested field without recognizing the plant. However, in order to report ragweed, a reliable identification of the plant is required. Many photos as well as a short instruction on how to take convincing pictures turns the interested citizen into a ragweed expert.
First of all, the specimen reports have to be evaluated. Each verified report is then transferred to the distribution map. Users will be informed about the evaluation of their specimen report via e-mail. The verified specimen reports are forwarded once a week to the responsible institutions/federal state governments. This enables the authorities to set appropriate corrective actions (e.g. mowing) and locate ragweed hotspots.
So far, there is no comprehensive legal obligation to report or remove ragweed in Austria. Only in Burgenland a law to control and prevent the spread of ragweed was passed in 2021.
Ragweed pollen allergy sufferers can be an active support to contain the uncontrolled spread of ragweed!
Interested groups (mainly school classes) can participate in this scientific project about the whereabouts of the greylag geese in the Cumberland game park in Grünau im Almtal (Upper Austria).
The social behaviour of the flock of greylag geese of the Konrad Lorenz Research Center (a core facility of the University of Vienna) has been monitored for more than 40 years. The birds are individually marked by coloured leg-rings and can move completely free.
During the breeding season (March to June) the greylag geese generally spend part of the day in the game park. Aim of this project is to monitor the spatio-temporal patterns of the goose-families during the rearing period. The collected data provide information about the behavioural ecology of the greylag goose.
School classes and other groups who are interested in participating as Citizen Scientists in the research of the Konrad Lorenz Research Center.
In order to participate, school classes/groups are asked to register for a workshop with subsequent data collection on the website Naturschauspiel.
Equipped with a protocol sheet, goose list and a site plan and accompanied by a biologist of the Research Center, the pupils record sightings of greylag geese on their way through the game park.
© Archive KLF
Puehringer-Sturmayr, Gegendorfer, Rittenschober, Szipl, & Frigerio (2018): Involving pupils/citizens in long-term behavioural biology research. Lessons learnt and future perspectives. In: Heigl et al. (2018): Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2018, Abstract Book, p. 34-38.
Pühringer-Sturmayr V, Rittenschober J, Gegendorfer G, Kleindorfer S, Frigerio D (2023). Assessing quality of contributions to avian monitoring by non-scientists: a case study on individually banded wild birds. Environ. Res. Lett. 18. DOI:
Hirschenhauser, K., Frigerio, D., & Neuböck-Hubinger, B. (2022). Science Education and Beyond: Citizen Science in Primary School Potentially Affects Conceptual Learning and Socio-emotional Development. In A. Volvlas (Hrsg.), Citizen Science - Methods, Approaches and New Perspectives. Intechopen. DOI:[id]=1247
Which are the most common bee viruses in Austria and are these viruses related to winter losses of local bee colonies? To answer these questions, 200 beekeepers from all over Austria are working as Citizen Scientists in the "virus monitoring" for three years (2018-2020). Each year in September they collect bees from five of their colonies and send them to AGES, Department of Apiculture and Bee Protection. In addition, they report the winter losses of their colonies. The samples are analysed for eight important bee viruses and checked whether the occurrence and severity of the virus infections are related to winter losses. The beekeepers are provided with the virus analyses of their colonies and thus learn more about the health status of their bee colonies.
According to current scientific knowledge, bee viruses, such as the deformed wing virus and the acute bee paralysis virus, are partly responsible for high winter losses. However, other viruses, such as the sacbrood virus or the chronic bee paralysis virus, also cause problems for bee colonies. Unfortunately, we currently only have selective knowledge about the occurrence and frequency of these bee viruses in Austria. Up to now, viruses have usually only been tested, when damage to bee colonies has already occurred. Research results from the USA and neighbouring European countries have shown, that many viruses occur just as frequently in inconspicuously appearing colonies as in clearly damaged ones. In order to make a statement about the frequency of bee viruses, both conspicuous and inconspicuous colonies must therefore be examined (= a representative selection).
"Virus monitoring" is a module of the project "Zukunft Biene 2", which is investigating Austria's bee health from 2017-2021 under the lead of Dr. Robert Brodschneider of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. Research partners in the project are the University of Graz, AGES and University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. The project is financed by the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT), the Austrian Federal Provinces, the beekeepers' umbrella organisation "Biene Österreich" as well as in kind contributions of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Vetmeduni Vienna and AGES.
In 2020, poject coordinator Linde Morawetz held a lecture about "Virus Monitoring" as part of the lecture series "Citizen Science Seminar" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU): "Beekeepers as Citizen Scientists: on the trail of bee viruses" (in German). At the end of this page you can watch the video recording of the lecture.
Can tea help us understand climate change? Yes, but we need your help! We would like you to become our research partner and take part in one of the largest experiments on soil decomposition processes at the moment!
Importance and evaluability of databases increase with the extent, the precision and the currency of the data stored.
The Natural History Museum Vienna, one of the largest non-university research institutions in Austria, houses more than 30 million objects from the fields of biology, earth sciences and human sciences. For 35 years, the Amphibian and Reptile Collection has also been collecting data on the historical and recent distribution of amphibian and reptile species in Austria. All distribution data are documented in the Austrian Herpetofauna Database (current data status: about 110,000 findings). In collecting observations, the Herpetological Collection is also dependent on the help of numerous volunteers who make their discovery reports and observations available for inclusion in the database. On the homepage one can report online amphibian or reptile observations, which are to be included in the database. The homepage was created about 15 years ago by dedicated "Citizen Scientists" and has been maintained by volunteers since then. There is also the possibility to report sightings analogously by mail (data entry form). In addition to localities and taxon, accompanying data such as habitat characteristics, endangerment, stage of development etc. are recorded. Only data that are photographically documented are processed. So far, more than 20,000 records from "Citizen Scientists" have been included in the database and are available for research.
If you know autochthonous amphibian and reptile species, we ask you to report your sightings to us.
Herpetological reports of sightings can either be entered on the page or sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Since both reporting options store the data in the same database, we ask you to enter your observations only once and only in one place.
For this purpose, a data entry form is available, which we ask you to print out, fill in and send to the following address or bring it to the museum.
Silke Schweiger
Herpetologische Sammlung
Naturhistorisches Museum
Burgring 7
1010 Wien
A separate survey form must be used for each reference site and observation period.
Thank you for your cooperation!
If you would like to learn more, you can listen to the Wissen macht Leute podcast episode about the project (in German). More information can be found here.
Die Amphibien und Reptilien des Neusiedler See-Gebietes
181 Seiten, 316 Abbildungen
Bestimmungsschlüssel für alle im Gebiet vorkommenden Amphibien- und Reptilienarten
QR-Codes mit Amphibienrufen
Medieninhaber und Herausgeber: © 2015, Verlag des Naturhistorischen
Museums Wien, Burgring 7, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Nationalpark
Neusiedler See – Seewinkel Informationszentrum, Hauswiese, 7142 Illmitz, Österreich,
ISBN 978-3-902421-95-1
When it comes to language, everyone can have a say!
"IamDiÖ – German in Austria" invites you to explore the diversity, change and use of all possible forms of German in Austria, from dialect and standard language to youth language and jargon.
By including the knowledge, opinions, experiences and concerns of the citizens in the research process, socially relevant topics are addressed and discussed publicly.
The aim of the Citizen Science project "IamDiÖ – German in Austria" is to encourage everyone to engage with their (own) use and perception of the German language in Austria and to conduct research in this field. In this way, exchange between the interested public and academia is facilitated and academia becomes tangible through citizen science. Academia, in turn, can gain new insights and approaches through public participation.
There are many ways to contribute to the projekct, addressing different aspects of the German language in Austria.
The questions in the project are:
There are various ways to take part in "IamDiÖ – German in Austria".
Speakers of the German language in Austria collaboratively create a digital dictionary by entering words they use or hear on the “Wortgut” website. This allows to collect a large number of words used in Austria – some of which may have never been written down before. All forms (varieties) of the German language in Austria can be entered in the dictionary, ranging from standard language and dialect to youth language and jargon. If you use this word in Austria, it is a perfect contribution to our collection.
You can submit questions about the topic of "German in Austria" (Question of the month). The question of the month provides an insight into socially relevant topics on the German language in Austria. If there is already an academically sound answer to this question, scholars from "German in Austria" will provide an answer. If there is not an answer yet, you can search for an answer yourselfand start your own research project. In this way, citizens themselves become researchers in the field of linguistics. The website of the project provides information, instructions, methods and tips on the research process so that participants can find an answer to their questions.
Once a month, two of the questions submitted or researched are selected and participants can vote on the Facebook project page to decide which of the two questions should be answered this month. The question with the most votes will be answered either by you or our scholars on the project website.
Everyone can search for writing in public space. Among the research objects are posters, signs, stickers on the street, in the park or in public buildings, which contain written text in a language or in a language variety (e. g. dialect). Participants can take photos of these posters or signs (with the Lingscape App) and provide additional information (e. g. geoinformation or which languages can be seen). These photos are used, among others, to analyse the variety and dynamics of written text in the public sphere. They can be viewed and analysed by users on a map in the app or on the Lingscape website.
The photos of written text in public space can easily be taken on the way to work or school.
However, there are also organised scavenger hunts to collect and analyse images as a group (current scavenger hunt dates).
In the meme competition, dialect memes can be created in a meme generator. The aim is to investigate the creation and distribution of memes in online media in connection with language use from a communication science perspective. Participants can add language, e. g. dialect, to pictures.
The words collected in the digital dictionary “Wortgut” can be accessed by the public. They are used as basis for answering research questions in different fields, such as: Which words are used in certain regions? How to write dialect? Which expressions are part of youth language or jargon?
The Questions of the Month and all results are presented on various channels such as the website and social media as well as on the research platform "German in Austria. Variation – Contact - Perception".
The pictures of the scavenger hunt for written text in public spaces will be stored and archived by the project partner Lingscape.
The memes are used for academic analyses in the field of communication.
Participants gain an insight into linguistic research and can (ideally) carry out research themselves with the help of academics. They are encouraged to reflect on their use of language and their own perception of it. Awareness of language use and its perception is created.
Wissenschaftsfonds (Austrian Science Fund: FWF TCS 40 and FWF TCS 57-G)
With the Citizen Science Project "CITREE" a crowdsourcing instrument for monitoring the growth of urban trees, will be developed and used. It builds on the "Sparkling Science" project "Woody Woodpecker", which deals with the growth, structure and function of wood.
Urban trees fulfill a variety of functions, such as improving the microclimate and air, noise protection or the design of public spaces. Monitoring of urban trees is important because climate change leads to an intensification of stress on the trees. In cities, trees are exposed to extreme heat and drought and are additionally affected by other stress factors such as pollutant emissions, limited root space, salt stress or pest infestation. Therefore, trees in cities are "living laboratories" that allow analyses of stress mechanisms and estimates of future developments. CITREE is intended to provide a tool for monitoring urban trees and thus create a bridge between citizens and their trees: On the one hand citizens can participate in the monitoring process, on the other hand they can see and learn how their trees grow. This feedback will also be used to present the work of public institutions (e.g. city nurseries) and will enable school projects on urban trees and urban ecology.
CITREE is based on easy to install and cheap band-dendrometers, with which the trunk circumference and thus the growth can be measured. Dendrometers installed on urban trees are read by citizens who have access to the CITREE database via QR code and smartphone. The CITREE database collects the growth data of all trees and makes it available to involved citizens, the public, public institutions and researchers.
The main work packages of the project are:
The project will be carried out at the Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck and will benefit from the long experience in the field of science communication of the PI (Stefan Mayr) and his staff. The development of the CITREE database is carried out in cooperation with the University of Ghent and the company Phyto-IT, Belgium. A cooperation with the School of Education, University of Innsbruck serves the didactical optimization. For the installation in Austrian cities, city nurseries and researchers will be contacted to collect a first broader data set on the growth of urban trees. In the long term, CITREE is to be further developed into CITREE-EU, thus enabling a monitoring network in European cities.
Tasks and roles in the project:
If you have any questions about the project, or are interested in participating in the project, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
So much hangs on just one thing - and yet words sometimes fail us. How do we talk about our bodies and the things that we need, want, and do when it comes to sex and sexual pleasure? And who do we talk to about these things? Categories to Come invites everybody to put their sexuality into words, and to discuss new words or new uses of words with other people. Goal of the project is to create a platform and gather resources, that open up so far unnamed subject areas of sexuality. They will be accessible both for personal gain and interdisciplinary research.
Citizens are actively involved in shaping the future vocabulary of sexual language and provide important impulses for research. Citizens can write down their own terms and descriptions for intimate activities and their own sexual desire. They can also collect and name passages from songs, books or films that are sexually interesting to them. They can look at films and photos and other cultural works and describe what can be seen there and index them. They can read books and texts and filter out places with sexual acts and tag them.
The results form a resource to illustrate previously unnamed areas of sexuality. This data collection will be organized and made available as a database and can be used to enhance studies by researchers working in linguistics, social sciences, sexology, gender studies and literature as well as for art production.
Categories to come helps to build a new resource for research on sexuality in different disciplines. The project is based on two assumptions, namely, 1) the existing sexual vocabulary has only been partly described, and 2) because of sexuality’s visual nature, lack of language, and location within the realm of experience, there are many fantasies and sex acts that nobody has yet attempted to put into words. The project Categories to Come combines artistic and academic research interests. In contrast to purely scientific research, the artistic element also allows one to become creative and to create new words. Categories to come thus contributes to making research into sexual language and sexual desire more diverse.
This project shows what the artistic aspect can be in a research context, how it produces a different kind of knowledge than purely scientific research and how this can make a contribution in an interdisciplinary context. By making the results publicly accessible, citizens can use the database themselves and find new ways and terms to talk about sexuality. This counteracts tabooing and promotes a conscious discussion of one's own sexuality.
For more than a decade, hundreds of farmers have been saying "We look at our meadows and alpine pastures!".
The regular observations of the more than 700 participants impressively show that on more than 80 % of the monitoring plots in extensive grassland the number of individuals of the species observed has remained the same or even increased.
By observing the animals and plants every year, the perspective with which the farmers perceive their meadow changes and a process of more conscious action is set in motion.
In monitoring extensive grassland, participants look at which management practices promote or inhibit the occurrence of individual plant and animal species.
The Austria-wide observations of plant and animal diversity provide new insights into the benefits of management in extensive grassland. (By extensive grassland we mean species-rich meadows that are mowed a maximum of two to three times a year or not at all or only slightly fertilized and gentle grazing.)
The species-rich grassland has been displaced by a frightening 90% since the 1960s due to structural changes in agriculture and land use change! The last occurrences of colorful flower meadows are therefore landscapes with a high number of species and important retreat areas for plant and animal diversity in Austria!
By regularly observing the development of indicator species, the meaning of different agri-environmental measures (ÖPUL) such as contractual nature conservation, organic farming (BIO) and environmentally friendly and biodiversity-promoting management (UBB) is made understandable and it is observed at farm level whether agricultural subsidies also have an effect on the area.
The nature conservation monitoring will show which type of management is well suited for the type of meadow under consideration and therefore leads to safe stocks of the observed indicator species. As a result, management requirements can be better evaluated on the basis of feedback from farmers and funding can be awarded in a targeted manner.
All farmers with (potentially) extensive meadows and pastures who take part in the agri-environmental measure ÖPUL “Organic farming (BIO)” or “Environmentally friendly and biodiversity-promoting management (UBB)” can take part. At the beginning there is an enrollment by an ecologist. It is agreed which indicator species are to be observed and counted annually. The participants then document the indicator species and the management of the meadow every year and enter the data on the online platform
Project duration: until 2029
Information on participation:
„This year I deliberately left a patch of rambling bellflowers so that they could sow seeds. Now I am already curious whether they will be more next year!“
„This project is going places. My son wanted to reforest our rough pasture some time ago, because the fodder is worth nothing and mowing takes a lot of time. Since your expert showed him that there are a lot of rare animals and plants living in it, he hasn't said anything about it. He even helps me counting now.“
„What makes me particularly happy is that for once it is not about control or money, but about seeing and appreciating the beautiful aspects of our work.“
You can also follow the ÖKL on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for further information.
Barbara Steurer
Österreichisches Kuratorium für Landtechnik und Landentwicklung (ÖKL)
Gußhausstraße 6
1040 Wien, Austria
We are tracing the Sculptured Resin Bee!
Home of the Sculptured Resin Bee (Megachile sculpturalis, Smith 1853) is far away in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan. In 2008, the Sculptured Resin Bee was discovered in southern France as the first introduced wild bee species in Europe. Since then, the bee has been particularly active and dispersed rapidly throughout Europe. Together, we track down the Sculptured Resin Bee in Austria.
Report your observations via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on Instagram.
You can also scan this QR-Code to go directly to the website:
The sculptured resin bee has a unique appearance:
© Felix Fornoff 2020
The sculptured resin bee nests in cavities in dead wood. They often inhabit artificial nesting sites, so-called "bee hotels". There, the females build nests and take care of their offspring. Such aids are necessary since it cannot drill holes in the wood on its own, even though the body size and powerful jaws might lead you to believe otherwise.
Females prefer to collect pollen from exotic plants, which were frequently introduced in Central Europe as ornamental trees and shrubs. These ornamental plants decorate gardens and parks, such as the Japanese pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum). As source of nectar, the sculptured resin bee often seeks out lavender or wisteria. Males of the Sculptured Resin Bee emerge earlier than females in the End of June until mid-July. Females appear a few weeks later and are active until about mid-September.
The sculptured resin bee is the first and so far, only invasive wild bee in Europe.
Citizen Scientists of this particular project provided important insights into the competitive behavior against native bees. Participants reported observations where females of the sculptured resin bee were evacuating preoccupied nests of native bees. Once they cleared out larvae and pupae, these females used the nests for their own offspring. Based on these observations combined with a recent study from France, the sculptured resin bee has to be considered as an invasive species.
Not every introduced species is per se a severe threat for native biodiversity. Every new species needs to be monitored closely in terms of potential consequences for its new environment. But if negative impacts are observable, the species must be considered as invasive.
The monitoring program aims to locate the sculptured resin bee in Europe. We examine its rapid dispersal behavior, investigate its preferences in regard to plant and nesting site selection and to reconstruct its colonization history.
Additionally, we take a closer look at the genetics of the sculptured resin bee. With these lab studies we examine the bee’s immigration history. Based on our international network of experts, we aim answer various research questions like which microbiota colonizes the bee.
For more information, please watch our short clip:
This project also aims to sensitize the participants to the local fauna and get aware of wild bees and their protection. The citizen scientists get a feeling for the possible effects of intentionally and unintentionally introduced and invasive species. A new point of view is presented to the participants in regard to artificial nests and active interventions in ecological systems. Participants will be informed how simple actions can be taken to support wild bees and other insects. They will also become part of scientific processes and gain insight into research processes.
Within the last few years, we studied the invasive bee together with our participants. We published the results in scientific articles by choosing Open Access Journals.
The first results of the initiated citizen science monitoring program were published in 2020. Within only two years after starting the project, 111 new reports from Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria were recorded. The population progressed remarkably fast from year to year expanding its region geographically, but also ecologically. The distribution pattern indicates that Austria is situated in a rather young invasion stage so far. The article can be found here.
We performed population genetic analyses including specimens collected in the framework of a citizen science project. The aim was to study the colonization history and investigate the degree of connectivity between bees across Europe. We detected multiple, independent introduction events of the species to the European continent. This article can be found here.
For us, it was a special pleasure to publish an article describing the distribution of the invasive bee in Austria together with a Citizen Scientist. For the journal „Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik“ we introduced the sculptured resin bee as a new bee species for Austria. To read this article, you can click here (German).
Spread of M. sculpturalis in Austria (2017-2020) © Lanner & Meyer 2020
In a review published in the journal BeeWorld, we describe the main characteristics of the sculptured resin bee, its life cycle and its current distribution in colonised regions. We discuss possible ecological impacts on native bees. We also explore the role of beekeepers in monitoring projects and argue why they are valuable participants in citizen science projects.
The review is accessible here.
BeeRadar launched an international study consisting of 19 authors from all over the world: USA, China, France, Italy, Serbia, and Austria. Using complex model calculations (species distribution modelling), we identified regions that are colonised by the sculptured resin bee, and influencing factors for its spread. Most of the data was collected with the support of the public. Man-made landscape structures, such as road networks, settlements and ports and airports, facilitate the spread of the Sculptured Resin bee. Click here for the article.
Even though citizen science has its momentum in many western regions, it is a less explored research practice in Eastern Europe. Together with our colleagues from the University of Belgrade, we initiated a first ecological-focused citizen science project in Serbia. We present the currently known distribution of the sculptured resin bee in the Balkans and discuss the potential and challenges of participatory research and intercultural science communication in Eastern Europe.
Project leader Julia Lanner was a guest on an episode of the Österreich forscht podcast "Wissen macht Leute" in August 2022 - anyone interested in learning more about the project can listen to the episode here (in German).
In 2021, poject coordinator Julia Lanner held a lecture about BeeRadar as part of the lecture series "Citizen Science Seminar" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU): "The making of 'Wanted - Asiatische Mörtelbiene'" (in German). At the end of this page you can watch the video recording of the lecture.