Wir freuen uns den zweiten Vortrag unserer Vortragsreihe zu Citizen Science im Wintersemester 2022/23 präsentieren zu dürfen. Dieser findet am 16.11.2022 von 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr online statt. Wenn Sie Interesse an diesem Vortrag haben, würden wir Sie bitten sich über das Anmeldeformular anzumelden. Als Studierende*r der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien würden wir Sie bitten sich im BOKUonline anzumelden. Am Tag des Vortrages werden wir an alle registrierten BOKU-externen Personen einen Link zum Zoom Raum senden. Für BOKU-Studierende findet das Seminar in Präsenz statt. Den Raum entnehmen Sie bitte der Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibung in BOKUonline
We are pleased to present the second lecture of our lecture series on citizen science in the winter semester 2022/23. It will take place online on 16.11.2022 from 14:00 - 15:30. If you are interested in attending this lecture, please register via the registration form. If you are a student of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, please register online at BOKUonline. On the day of the lecture we will send a Zoom link to all registered BOKU-external persons. For BOKU students the seminar will take place at the university. Please find the room in the course description in BOKUonline.
Inhalt des Vortrages
Der Vortrag wird in Englisch gehalten!
Citizen Science has been practiced for millennia in Asia, but has been less formalised and has presented a lower profile than in many other parts of the world. Without the formal associations to coordinate action across an area that holds over 60% of the world's population. CitizenScience.Asia was set up to fill these coordination gaps, with a mission to build grassroot connections, sustainable capacity and tangible conversations across Asia. This talk will cover the formation of the organisation from grass roots efforts in disease vector mapping, participation in UN Environment workshops and General Assemblies, to now participating in the Global Citizen Science Partnership. A network-of-networks that aims to advance the use of citizen science to support the monitoring and implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Dr Scott Edmunds is co-founder of Citizenscience.Asia, and based in Hong Kong he is a practitioner of Citizen Science and education projects such as Mosquito Alert and Bauhinia Genome . He has a research background and PhD in cancer genetics, as well as experience in Open Access publishing. Scott works on reproducible research and scientific data publishing projects at BGI Hong Kong as the Editor-in-Chief for GigaScience Press. Being involved in open science, citizen science and crowdsourcing projects, and seeing first-hand the benefits of releasing scientific data quicker and more equitably, he is always keen to promote, aid and share his expertise in this area.